现在就代码贴出,希望能帮到有需要的人。 代码如下:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //ip地址或者网络路径 例如:TERMSRV/ string key = txtIP.Text.Trim(); string userName = txtUserName.Text.Trim(); string password = txtPassword.Text.Trim(); //用于标记凭据添加是否成功 i=0:添加成功;i=1:添加失败 int i = 0; try{ i = NativeCredMan.WriteCred(key, userName, password, CRED_TYPE.DOMAIN_PASSWORD, CRED_PERSIST.LOCAL_MACHINE); } catch{ i = 1; } if (i == 0) txtMsg.Text = "添加成功"; else txtMsg.Text = "添加失败"; } ////// 凭据类型 /// public enum CRED_TYPE : uint { //普通凭据 GENERIC = 1, //域密码 DOMAIN_PASSWORD = 2, //域证书 DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE = 3, //域可见密码 DOMAIN_VISIBLE_PASSWORD = 4, //一般证书 GENERIC_CERTIFICATE = 5, //域扩展 DOMAIN_EXTENDED = 6, //最大 MAXIMUM = 7, // Maximum supported cred type MAXIMUM_EX = (MAXIMUM + 1000), // Allow new applications to run on old OSes } //永久性 public enum CRED_PERSIST : uint { SESSION = 1, //本地计算机 LOCAL_MACHINE = 2, //企业 ENTERPRISE = 3, } internal class NativeCredMan { [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "CredReadW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] //读取凭据信息 static extern bool CredRead(string target, CRED_TYPE type, int reservedFlag, out IntPtr CredentialPtr); [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "CredWriteW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true)] //增加凭据 static extern bool CredWrite([In] ref NativeCredential userCredential, [In] UInt32 flags); [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "CredFree", SetLastError = true)] static extern bool CredFree([In] IntPtr cred); [DllImport("Advapi32.dll", EntryPoint = "CredDeleteW", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] //删除凭据 static extern bool CredDelete(string target, CRED_TYPE type, int flags); //[DllImport("advapi32", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] //static extern bool CredEnumerateold(string filter, int flag, out int count, out IntPtr pCredentials); [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern bool CredEnumerate(string filter, uint flag, out uint count, out IntPtr pCredentials); [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] private struct NativeCredential{ public UInt32 Flags; public CRED_TYPE Type; public IntPtr TargetName; public IntPtr Comment; public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME LastWritten; public UInt32 CredentialBlobSize; public IntPtr CredentialBlob; public UInt32 Persist; public UInt32 AttributeCount; public IntPtr Attributes; public IntPtr TargetAlias; public IntPtr UserName; internal static NativeCredential GetNativeCredential(Credential cred) { var ncred = new NativeCredential { AttributeCount = 0, Attributes = IntPtr.Zero, Comment = IntPtr.Zero, TargetAlias = IntPtr.Zero, //Type = CRED_TYPE.DOMAIN_PASSWORD, Type=cred.Type, Persist = (UInt32)cred.Persist, CredentialBlobSize = (UInt32)cred.CredentialBlobSize, TargetName = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(cred.TargetName), CredentialBlob = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(cred.CredentialBlob), UserName = Marshal.StringToCoTaskMemUni(cred.UserName) }; return ncred; } } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct Credential{ public UInt32 Flags; public CRED_TYPE Type; public string TargetName; public string Comment; public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME LastWritten; public UInt32 CredentialBlobSize; public string CredentialBlob; public CRED_PERSIST Persist; public UInt32 AttributeCount; public IntPtr Attributes; public string TargetAlias; public string UserName; } ////// 向添加计算机的凭据管理其中添加凭据 /// /// internet地址或者网络地址 /// 用户名 /// 密码 /// 密码类型 /// ///public static int WriteCred(string key, string userName, string secret, CRED_TYPE type, CRED_PERSIST credPersist) { var byteArray = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(secret); if (byteArray.Length > 512) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The secret message has exceeded 512 bytes."); var cred = new Credential { TargetName = key, CredentialBlob = secret, CredentialBlobSize = (UInt32)Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(secret).Length, AttributeCount = 0, Attributes = IntPtr.Zero, UserName = userName, Comment = null, TargetAlias = null, Type = type, Persist = credPersist }; var ncred = NativeCredential.GetNativeCredential(cred); var written = CredWrite(ref ncred, 0); var lastError = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (written) { return 0; } var message = ""; if (lastError == 1312) { message = (string.Format("Failed to save " + key + " with error code {0}.", lastError) + " This error typically occurrs on home editions of Windows XP and Vista. Verify the version of Windows is Pro/Business or higher."); } else { message = string.Format("Failed to save " + key + " with error code {0}.", lastError); } MessageBox.Show(message); return 1; } /// /// 读取凭据 /// /// /// /// /// ///public static bool WReadCred(string targetName,CRED_TYPE credType,int reservedFlag,out IntPtr intPtr) { return CredRead(targetName, CRED_TYPE.DOMAIN_PASSWORD, reservedFlag, out intPtr); } /// /// 删除凭据 /// /// /// /// ///public static bool DeleteCred(string target, CRED_TYPE type, int flags) { return CredDelete(target, type, flags); } } /// /// 查询凭据是否存在 /// /// /// private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string targetName = txtIP.Text.Trim(); IntPtr intPtr=new IntPtr (); bool flag = false; try { flag = NativeCredMan.WReadCred(targetName, CRED_TYPE.DOMAIN_PASSWORD, 1, out intPtr); } catch{ flag = false; } if (flag) txtMsg.Text = "该凭据已存在"; else txtMsg.Text = "该凭据目前不存在"; } private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string targetName = txtIP.Text.Trim(); bool flag = false; try { flag = NativeCredMan.DeleteCred(targetName, CRED_TYPE.DOMAIN_PASSWORD,0); } catch { flag = false; } if (flag) txtMsg.Text = "该凭据已删除"; else txtMsg.Text = "删除失败"; }